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my FIRST Live Stream!

  Just wanted to say arigato & share this. over 100 people in my first LiVE STREAM! ayyyye! on both iG & Facebooki've been up for awhile, 30 hours to be exact. slap happy. and talking about random stuff. But i'm truly in my element & i'm glad i got to be my goofy self, play you new music & let you know what all i've been doing.***I burped so loud the connection got lost towards the end. *** [:xBut you guys are a fun time. you give a fuck. and you GET iT! I'm so happy to have such intelligent, gorgeous humanoid frans. <3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#hiphop #femalerapper #live #veganism #diet #lifestyle #aliens #funny #girl #ghostfacekillah #vape #ps4 #ninetendo #vaporwave #nerd #facebook #instagram #livestream #pittsburgh #synthwave#indie...

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