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Come see me - A U G U S T  5 t h  @ VEGFEST Pittsburgh, in the North Side Lexa Terrestrial will be performing80+ Vendors // FREE event // Kid Friendly & you DON'T have to be Vegan. 11am-5pm Everyone is welcome.  🎤👽🍏🍌🍓🍅🍠🍆 for more info on VEG FEST go to :

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DATiNG WiSDOM (From the Future)

a time that should be exciting, but instead, many girls (guys too) are anxious, and... oh so serious. The one thing i decided not worry too much about is Dating. And it turns out it really makes things 1,000 x better. As a person that suffers and has suffered with anxiety & depression, I chose to leave my anxiety for other things, other more productive things, things i have control over. And yes i have control over dating & my atmosphere. But i chose to live in the moment, and not think about the future. Not feel forced to be attached to anything or anyone. It’s because when i meet someone, i have no hope & no fear. I have...

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